We’re happy to announce the winners of the latest contest which ended last week https://www.myfxbook.com/contests/forex-contest-tenkofx/19
Top 5 traders are:
1st place – Contest – chamchou , winning $5000.
2nd place – Contest – sachinkumar, winning $3000.
3rd place – Contest – osamaALN, winning $1000.
4th place – Contest – USDCAD , winning $501.
5th place – Contest – mmile, winning $500.
To see the contest analysis, please click the following image:

If you’re looking to participate in one of our contests, you can register here:
For US/Japan traders: https://www.myfxbook.com/contests/forex-contest-forex-broker-inc/20/rules
For non US/Japan traders: https://www.myfxbook.com/contests/forex-contest-24fx/21/rules
Wishing you a great week!
The Myfxbook Team.
Good win, congratulations!
How can we get in touch with these traders so they can trade for us?
congrates for all winners, special wishes to sachin kumar