We’ve just added some new cool metrics called Periods:
The new metrics can be found in the advanced statistics box, under the Periods tab. It will show you the account’s performance of different periods in one quick glance. It will also show you the difference between previous identical periods for a quick assessment of your account’s performance versus the previous identical period. For example:
This month $100.00 (-$52.00) – means that the account profited this month $100 which is $52.00 less than last month.
This year $1100.00 (-$352.00) – means that the account profited this year $1100 which is $352.00 less than last year.
(The new metrics will become available as soon as your account gets updated with fresh data).
Let us know what you think! 🙂
Have a great week,
The Myfxbook team.
Nice Feature! I would also suggest that it will be more useful as a comparison tool.
For instance you can group them in pairs…
This Week/Last Week
This Month/Last Month
(slightly confused about the ‘month’ thing does it start at the beginning of the month, or just the past 30 days?)
This Year/Last Year
(same deal, is it by date or by # of days? perhaps mention “Since [date]”)
Just ideas 🙂 Thanks for reading this, but mostly for making MyFxBook.com my favorite Forex site ever!
Excellent ideas! 🙂
The month, week, year periods are all calendar periods, ie one calendar week, one calendar month, one calendar year.
Thanks for the quick response! You guys rock
I just wanted to thank you guys. Your tools make trading 82377646 times easier.