We’ve just added another metric to the statistics which will help you to evaluate the risk of your/other’s trading system:
The Risk of Ruin table (under ‘Advanced Statistics’) will show you the probability of losing a certain % of the account (ranging from 100% down 10%). It will also tell how how many consecutive losing trades are needed to reach the selected loss.
For easier interpretation of the table, you can simply hover over the selected column and a short sentence will appear explaining the numbers.
P.S. If you can’t see the new metrics, please clear your browser’s cache.
Happy Holidays,
The Myfxbook team.
Thank you for adding the new feature, it really help all of us to analyze the trades more easier.
Just a suggestion, please add text link on all the tabs (Open Trades, History, Trades, Summary, Risk of Ruin, etc).
Sometime when on road, frequently I access myfxbook.com with Blackberry phone and apparently the Blackberry browser has javascript problem, those tabs could not open.
It would be nice if those tabs have text link (HREF), so the javascript compatibility is not an issue anymore because we simply could click the text link to view the tabs detail.
I think in the future will be more and more people access to myfxbook.com by mobile device and most of those devices has javascript or adobe flash compatibility problem.
This is just a suggestion, hope it is not hard to do it.
Thank you for helping all of us, you are still the best.